поховання на суші
salvage and burial party
burial in disused mine shafts
burial of deactivated waste
no man's land / no-man's land
acquisition of land / territory
air land team
air, land, and maritime domains
air-land battle
air-land Integration (ALI)
air-land operation
air-land task force
Allied Joint Doctrine for Land Operations (AJP-3.2)
arable land
Army (ground forces / land forces)
atomic demolition munition(s) (ADMs), ‘nuclear land mines’
Commander-in-Chief Land Forces
land component
land component command (LCC)
land convoy
land dead on target
land environment
land forces
land mine (landmine)
land navigation
land operations (LANDOPS)
land return
land train (overland train)
Land Warfare Center
land, sea, and air warfare
land-attack missile (LAM)
land-based ICBM force
land-based lower layer (LBLL)