breech casing (of quick-firing ordnance)
bomb body (casing)
insulating casing
spent shell casing
water-proofed casing
front radiator casing (of a Lewis gun)
assembled casing
casing / covering
covering / casing
hydraulic damper casing
main-rotor head casing
tail rotor blade casing
tail rotor head casing
gear casing
spring casing
application of electromagnetic forces on the casing
brass casing / brass shell case
cobalt (casing) hydrogen bomb
breech face
breech mechanism
breech ring (of firearm)
breech screw
breech-loading gun
lever breech mechanism (LBM)
breech loaded
breech piece socket
breech boresight
breech block pivoted below the level of the chamber
closed-breech scavenger system