letter bomb (parcel bomb, mail bomb, postal bomb etc)
aerial photoflash bomb / photoflash bomb / flash bomb
training in bomb disposal
bomb disposal squad
member of a bomb disposal squad
counter-terrorism expert
demolitions expert
exercise expert
expert group
expert visit
explosive expert
Rapid Expert Assistance and Cooperation Teams (REACT)
subject matter expert (SME)
terrain-visualization expert
expert marksman
associate expert programme
expert group on environmental emergencies response activities
medical expert
weapon expert
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atomic bomb (A-bomb)
electromagnetic bomb (e-bomb)
fusion bomb (thermonuclear bomb)
thermobaric bomb (aerosol / vacuum bomb, fuel air explosive [FAE])
advanced explosive ordnance disposal robotic systems AEODRS
conventional munition disposal (CMD)
disposal (of surplus)
disposal consideration
disposal costs
disposal of bombs