контейнер з апаратурою для біологічних досліджень
bio pictures
BIO sign
bio-optic synthetic system
bio-oxidation system
commodity-specific module
container accommodation module
electronic module (unit)
force module
KUNG module
launcher-loader module (LLM)
payload interface module (PIM)
selective availability anti-spoofing module (SAASM)
sustainment planning module (SPM)
trigger assembly / mechanism / module
command and control module (CCM)
basic building block module
module / unit
unit / module
manned or unmanned module
phase shift module
basic module (demilitarization)
GPS receiver applications module selective availability
GPS receiver anti-spoofing module
module bay
Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
director of defense research and engineering
indigenous research
military space research