постійний аеродром, летовище цілорічної експлуатації
all for one and one for all / one for all and all for one
all-year body
round the clock operation aerodrome
base year
fiscal year (FY)
then year
junior year
year book
target year book
senior year
round-to-round laying
round-to-round scatter
all-round defense
all-round surveillance of terrain
all-up-round (AUR)
all-round vision block
all-round defence (ARD)
all-round observation
all-round scanning
all-round attack
all-round field of view
all-round arm
all-round traverse
daytime operation aerodrome
all-wheel drive / all wheel drive
all-weather operation
clandestine operation; covert operation
humanitarian operation; humanitarian relief operation (HUMRO)
PZ operation (pick-up zone operation)
noncombatant evacuation operation (NEO); non-combat evacuation operation
aerodrome control service
aerodrome operating minima