NATO fundamental security tasks
першочергові завдання НАТО у сфері безпеки
першочергові завдання НАТО у сфері безпеки
fundamental equation of flow through the conduit of variable cross-section area
security agreement (information security, NATO)
military tasks for interoperability (MTI)
Statement of Tasks and Outputs (STO)
maintenance checks / routine maintenance, scheduled tasks
routine maintenance / scheduled tasks, maintenance checks
7.62×51mm NATO (official nomenclature 7.62 NATO)
defense and Security Directorate (NATO)
Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) UN-OSCE-NATO initiative
NATO Security Principles for the Storage of Military Ammunition and Explosives
Ad Hoc Steering Group on Weapons of Mass Destruction (NATO)
Ad Hoc Working Group on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Mine Action (NATO)