NATO Pipeline System (NPS)
Система трубопроводів НАТО
Система трубопроводів НАТО
delegation (of NATO member state at NATO HQ)
7.62×51mm NATO (official nomenclature 7.62 NATO)
NATO Automated Command, Control and Information System
NATO Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation System Agency (BICES)
NATO Codification System (NCS)
NATO crisis response system (NCRS)
NATO Integrated Communications System
NATO Intelligence Warning System (NIWS)
overhead liquid dispersal system (OLDS, NATO)
NATO Sea Sparrow Surface Missile System
NATO Europe early warning system standard operating procedures
fire extinguishing system sprinkler system and fire alarm system
Ad Hoc Steering Group on Weapons of Mass Destruction (NATO)
Ad Hoc Working Group on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Mine Action (NATO)