смуга, перпендикулярна лінії фронту
lap width
width across flat
width between eyepieces
width of sheaf
distribution in width
width of burst
sweep width
pulse-width modulation (PWM)
pulse width / pulse duration
deployment in width
shoulder-width apart
Dynamic Notch Width Percent
Invalid image size (width x height) (expected...)
pulse width modulation (PWM)
grid zone / grid-zone
zone standard time (zone time) (ZST)
killing zone / kill zone
grid zone designation / Grid Zone Designator
grey-zone / grey zone (international relations)
hundred-per-cent zone (one-hundred-per-cent zone)
no-fire zone / no fire zone
flight restriction zone / flight restricted zone (FRZ)
air defense zone
air defense zone commander
air exclusion zone
area of separation (=buffer zone)
assault dropping zone
buffer zone / area of separation
cold zone (CBRN)
combat zone
communications zone (COMMZ)
contact zone