розчленування по фронту
deployment line; line of deployment (LD); line of departure
lap width
width across flat
width between eyepieces
width of sheaf
distribution in width
width of burst
sweep width
zone in width
pulse-width modulation (PWM)
pulse width / pulse duration
shoulder-width apart
Dynamic Notch Width Percent
Invalid image size (width x height) (expected...)
pulse width modulation (PWM)
Allied Deployment & Movement System (ADAMS)
area of deployment
battle deployment
cargo deployment function
deployment of forces
deployment of nuclear missiles
deployment operating base
deployment phase
deployment planning
deployment report
Detailed Deployment Plan (DDP)
forward deployment
forward front-line deployment
multinational detailed deployment plan (MNDDP, MN DDP)
operational deployment
pre-deployment site survey (PDSS)
preventive deployment