межа плинності; гранична напруга зсуву (стосується дронів)
yield strength (YS)
yield strength
strength, on the strength
engine oil reservoir / engine oil tank
oil gauge / oil-gauge
gas turbine oil
gas gun; (tear) gas launcher
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
small-yield weapon
weapon yield
yield ground
yield oneself prisoner
yield point (YP)
yield success
yield degradation
very heavy nuclear yield
very long nuclear yield
warhead yield
nominal yield atomic bomb
low nuclear yield
low yield
low yield warhead
low-kiloton yield warhead
low-yield ammunition
low-yield explosion
low-yield explosive
low-yield munitions
low-yield nuclear weapon
low-yield projectile
low-yield tactical nuclear-weapon system