working group on statistics of accidents in general aviation
робоча група з питань статистики авіаційних подій в авіації загального призначення
робоча група з питань статистики авіаційних подій в авіації загального призначення
study group on aircraft accidents in private aviation
working group on meteorological services to be provided to international general aviation
Opt out of the anonymised collection of statistics data
Set the values dispalyed on the post flight statistics screen
international general aviation
Ad Hoc Working Group on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Mine Action (NATO)
Depot Maintenance Actions Working Group (DMAWG)
Information Operations Working Group (IOWG)
Logistics Information Management Working Group (LOG IM WG)
Military Committee Working Group (NATO)
Petroleum Handling Equipment Working Group (PHEWG)
Working Group on defense Reform and Cooperation
Working Group on Operations, Plans and Communications
Working Group on the Terrorist Threat to the Euro-Atlantic Area