interface control working group (ICWG)
робоча група з питань управління інтерфейсами
робоча група з питань управління інтерфейсами
Use computers interface instead of phones interface
Joint Interface Control Officer (JICO)
radar weapon control interface unit (RWCIU)
Ad Hoc Working Group on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Mine Action (NATO)
joint coordination board working group (JCBWG)
Logistics Information Management Working Group (LOG IM WG)
Military Committee Working Group (NATO)
Petroleum Handling Equipment Working Group (PHEWG)
Working Group on defense Reform and Cooperation
Working Group on Operations, Plans and Communications
Working Group on the Terrorist Threat to the Euro-Atlantic Area
NATO-Ukraine Joint Working Group on Defense Reform (JWG)
guided missile relay working group
working group on aircraft noise
working group on conditions of service
working group on equitable geographical representation
working group on meteorological services to be provided to international general aviation
working group on statistics of accidents in general aviation
ad hoc working group on aeronautical charts
ad hoc working group on global safety data network