штурвальна колонка
wheel and tire assembly
cross and yoke universal-joint needle bearing
wheel brake assembly
all-wheel drive / all wheel drive
wheel lock pistol (wheellock / wheel-lock)
Bergen pouch yoke
main yoke, shoulder harness, H-harness
tie-rode yoke
yoke trunnion
clutch equalizer yoke
clutch slipper yoke
clutch yoke ball stud
yoke portion of extractor
valve operating yoke
end yoke
end yoke type propeller shaft
tie-rod yoke
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
disassembly and assembly
gas plug and tube assembly
safing and arming assembly
hammer-and-trigger assembly (of a pistol)
arming assembly
assembly (assy)
assembly anchorage
assembly area (AA)
assembly/rallying point
barrel assembly (barrel group)
bipod assembly
bolt assembly