вижимна вилка вимкнення фрикціону; вижимна відводка фрикціону
clutch equalizer yoke
clutch yoke ball stud
cradle slipper guides
slipper bearing
wheel and yoke assembly
Bergen pouch yoke
main yoke, shoulder harness, H-harness
tie-rode yoke
yoke trunnion
yoke portion of extractor
valve operating yoke
end yoke
end yoke type propeller shaft
tie-rod yoke
cross and yoke universal-joint needle bearing
direct-drive clutch
clutch adjusting ring
clutch and brake actuating mechanism
clutch application valve
clutch bearing
clutch collar
clutch compressor
clutch control lever
clutch control linkage
clutch control valve
clutch cover plate
clutch disk facing
clutch disk hub
clutch drag
clutch driving disc assembly
clutch equalizer arm