механік механік з озброєння
automotive mechanic's set
chief mechanic
flight mechanic
radio mechanic
wireless mechanic
wireless орегатог mechanic
armor turret mechanic
fire-control systems mechanic
shade tree mechanic
calory mechanic
radar mechanic
aircraft mechanic
air mechanic
recovery mechanic
biological weapons (bacteriological weapons)
less-lethal weapons (less-than-lethal weapons)
accompanying weapons
acoustic weapons
Ad Hoc Steering Group on Weapons of Mass Destruction (NATO)
Ad Hoc Working Group on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Mine Action (NATO)
advanced conventional weapons systems
AEGIS weapons system
air-delivered cluster weapons system
air-launched weapons
Alliance Policy Framework on Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
anti-lethal weapons
arms & weapons systems (AWS)
arms cache; weapons cache
artillery weapons system (arty wpns sys)
atomic / nuclear weapons
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC)
chemical weapons