час на приведення зброї в дію
personnel reaction time
reduce reaction time
SAM system reaction time
short reaction time
reaction time
quick-reaction weapon
zone standard time (zone time) (ZST)
time to climb / climb time
time-gain control / gain time control
real time kinematic / real-time kinematic (RTK)
takeoff time (T time)
Date and time from real time clock
Real time clock date / time
nuclear weapon employment time
weapon target time
zero time-of-flight weapon
Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps
chain reaction
combat stress reaction
CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Forces
heat-induced reaction
hypergolic reaction
immediate reaction forces
induced reaction
quick reaction capability
quick reaction force (QRF)
rapid reaction force
rapid reaction team (RRT)
reaction forces
reaction engine / motor (jet engine)
reaction propelled
reaction with metals