вогнепровідний шнур
paracord / parachute cord / 550 cord
variable-time fuse / VT fuse (VT, also fuze)
ignition cord-fuse
pull fuse; pull-action fuse
time fuse
time-delay mechanical fuse detonator
time-blasting fuse
detonating cord (detcord)
igniter cord
retractable cord
cord carcass of tire
cord wear (of bore)
550 cord
umbilical cord
choke cord
shoulder cord
zone standard time (zone time) (ZST)
time to climb / climb time
time-gain control / gain time control
real time kinematic / real-time kinematic (RTK)
takeoff time (T time)
Date and time from real time clock
anti-fuse-removal device
anti-handling fuse
base detonating fuse
Bickford's fuse
blasting fuse
chemical-retarder fuse
clockwork fuse
delayed-action fuse
detonating fuse