нещільна оборона
thin out the field of fire
thin dipole
thin metallic dipole
thin aerofoil section
thin body
thin headed cartridge
thin legitimate cover business
thin-skinned vehicle
thin-wall type shell
thin blade front sight
defend on a thin line
perimeter defense (all-around defense)
beach defense mine / beach-defense mine
active layered theatre (ballistic) missile defense (ALTBMD)
aerospace defense command
air defense (AD)
Air defense and Airspace Management Directorate (NATO)
air defense area
air defense artillery (ADA)
air defense artillery battalion
air defense artillery system
air defense brigade
air defense command
air defense commander (ADC)
air defense control center
air defense early warning
air defense emergency
air defense fire unit
air defense forces
air defense ground environment
air defense guided missile system (AD GM sys)
air defense materiel