станція введення даних цілі
control box / console / desk
equipment console
indicator console
launch console
weapons control console (WCC)
console control package (CCP)
attack control console
electronic console
weapons assignment console (WAC)
center console
track initiation console
track monitor console
scanning console
control and monitor console
Will print logs to the console if enabled
accurate targeting
Allied Joint Doctrine for Joint Targeting (AJP-3.9)
intelligence targeting
joint surveillance and targeting attack radar system (JSTARS)
joint targeting coordination board (JTCB)
non-targeting (of military planning)
remote targeting
self-targeting system
deliberate targeting
dynamic targeting
SLOCTOP (security, location, communication, targeting, observation, and position improvement)
targeting working group
airborne targeting and cross-cueing system
airborne targeting low altitude navigation thermal imaging and cueing (system)
autonomous realtime targeting