точне наведення на ціль
accurate fire
accurate intelligence
relevant and accurate information
accurate gear mesh
highly accurate field artillery guided missiles
accurate position finder
accurate sweep generator
Allied Joint Doctrine for Joint Targeting (AJP-3.9)
intelligence targeting
joint surveillance and targeting attack radar system (JSTARS)
joint targeting coordination board (JTCB)
non-targeting (of military planning)
remote targeting
self-targeting system
deliberate targeting
dynamic targeting
SLOCTOP (security, location, communication, targeting, observation, and position improvement)
targeting working group
airborne targeting and cross-cueing system
airborne targeting low altitude navigation thermal imaging and cueing (system)
autonomous realtime targeting
Base Expeditionary Targeting and Surveillance Systems - Combined
targeting and alignment crew
targeting console
targeting set
targeting system
targeting laser
targeting sensing software (TSS)
self targeting missile