таємні запаси хімічної зброї
chemical weapons capability
offensive chemical warfare capability
surreptitious movement
surreptitious eavesdropping
surreptitious entry
surreptitious listening
surreptitious listening device
surreptitious method
surreptitious operation
surreptitious smoking
surreptitious testing
all-weather weapons delivery capability
chemical weapons
Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)
chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons
destruction of existing stockpiles of chemical weapons
nuclear, biological and chemical weapons (NBC)
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
non-proliferation of chemical and biological weapons
biological weapons (bacteriological weapons)
less-lethal weapons (less-than-lethal weapons)
advanced data link capability
air-ground surveillance capability (AGS)
capability catalogue (CAP CAT)
capability package
capability planning
capability-based assessment (CBA)
combat capability
counter-countermeasure capability
credible first strike capability
development of military capability