компанія місцевих перевезень
short-haul airline
short-haul transportation
quiet short-haul air transportation system
quiet short-haul aircraft
quiet short-haul research aircraft
short haul
short-haul excavation
short-haul grading
short-haul traffic
line-haul motor transport
line-haul routes
double rope haul
haul cycle
long-haul communication
haul close to the wind
line haul
local haul
haul out
haul out of action
troop-carrier squadron / troop carrier squadron
short cartridge
short distance navigational aid
short piston travel
short range air defense (SHORAD) weapon
short range marksmanship (SRM) training
short take off and landing (STOL)
short takeoff air transport
short war
short-delay fuze
short-duration airborne operation