магістральний автомобільний транспорт
line-haul routes
line haul
Dingo ATF (нім. Allschutz-Transport-Fahrzeug - all-protected transport vehicle)
motor transport
motor transport assets
motor transport maintenance
motor transport officer
motor transport terminal
commander of the motor transport convoy
Set motor spin direction by selecting and spinning each motor individually
deployment line; line of deployment (LD); line of departure
double rope haul
haul cycle
long-haul communication
short-haul airline
short-haul carrier
short-haul transportation
haul close to the wind
local haul
quiet short-haul air transportation system
quiet short-haul aircraft
quiet short-haul research aircraft
short haul
short-haul excavation
short-haul grading
short-haul traffic
haul out
haul out of action
haul ass
first-line transport
observer-target line (OT line)