спільне використання, спільне користування (у системі НАТО)
shared awareness and deconfliction (SHADE)
Use Dshot beacon (use motors to sound beeps when disarmed)
Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF)
combat use
combat use of forces
cooperative use
disproportionate use of force
dual-use commodity
dual-use technology
For Official Use Only (FOUO)
incident involving the use of arms
indiscriminate use of force
lawful use of force
proportionate use of force
use of armed force
use of force
Use of Military and Civil defenseAssets (MCDA) in Disaster Assistance (UNOCHA project)
use of minimum force
Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies
intended use (land)
designed for military applications / military use / warfare
license for facilities engaged in the manufacture, storage, and use of explosives, hazardous chemicals or substances posing a fire / explosive hazard
tactical use of transport
decision to use intelligence capabilities
use age
use counter-intelligence program techniques
use up (in shooting)
emergency use
gaining information by use of listening posts
fuel use
total aviation fuel use
in-use life test