герметична заклепка
annular gas sealing grooves
labyrinth sealing breakdown
sealing wax
blind rivet
center-pop rivet
countersunk head rivet
double-shear rivet
dummy rivet
explosive rivet
field rivet
flat-head rivet
hollow rivet
round head rivet
single-shear rivet
tucker pop rivet
logistically self-sufficient (self-supporting)
FH70 field howitzer (towed / self-moving)
M109 Paladin (155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer)
medical self- and buddy-aid
right of collective self-defense
right of self-defence
scuba (Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus)
self presenters
self-aid and buddy care
self-binding system
self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)
self-contained hydraulic system
self-contained unit
self-contained weapon