self-destroying fuse
self destroying fuze
self-destroying ammunition
safe destroying incendiary
shell-destroying tracer
area-destroying warhead
logistically self-sufficient (self-supporting)
differential gear with self-locking device
self-navigation device
safety and arming device / safety-and-arming device
air intake device / air-intake device
Reset device options to the recommended defaults on this device target. Except for your custom binding phrase
FH70 field howitzer (towed / self-moving)
M109 Paladin (155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer)
medical self- and buddy-aid
right of collective self-defense
right of self-defence
scuba (Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus)
self presenters
self-aid and buddy care
self-binding system
self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)
self-contained hydraulic system
self-contained unit
self-contained weapon
self-defense training
self-destruct mechanism
self-inflicted wound