ліве плече вперед - марш! (команда)
right/left, WHEEL
all-wheel drive / all wheel drive
wheel lock pistol (wheellock / wheel-lock)
echelon left / right formation
lower right margin
right of collective self-defense
right of search
right of self-defence
right of asylum
right of entry and residence
right to protection
base deflection right
right home
fork left / right
right-bank tributary (of the river)
right ascension
right(-turn) circuit
exhaust pipe tip (right)
operating right
right side / starboard side
starboard side / right side
action right
red, right, returning
echelon right formation
maneuver right!
traverse right!
right-angle telescope
right to launch a first strike
read-right up
dress right/left, DRESS!
right bank