право на в'їзд та постійне проживання
covert amphibious entry
entry on active duty
entry-exit checkpoint (EECP)
force entry
initial-entry force
initial-entry training (IET)
journal entry
multiple re-entry vehicle system
point of entry / exit
re-entry guidance equipment
re-entry vehicle (RV)
safe entry time
swift entry into hostile territory
late entry officer
pocket-size forward entry device (PFED)
forcible entry operation
grenade rifle entry munition (GREM)
heat shield entry
rifle launched entry munition (RLEM)
double-entry passageway
early entry (EE)
angle of entry
ballistic missile re-entry aeroballistic
double-entry compressor
single-entry compressor
turbine entry temperature
data entry
maneuverable re-entry vehicle
skip (re entry)
surreptitious entry
echelon left / right formation
lower right margin