детонатор уповільненої дії
retarded blowback
retarded blowback method
retarded tail fin
shell fuze combination / projectile-fuze combination
fuze mounting for high-explosive action
delay-action fuze
double-action fuze
instantaneous action fuze
impact action fuze
check action fuze
all-ways (action) fuze
delayed- action fuze
after-action review / after action review (AAR)
integrated mine action and development (linking mine action and development)
follow-up on corrective action / following on corrective action
tension release action mine / tension-release action mine
ambient fuze
base-detonating fuze
combination fuze
delay fuze
fuse (see also `fuze`)
fuze (see also `fuse`)
fuze assembly
fuze setter
impact fuze
liquid fuze
long-delay fuze
multiple fuze
percussion fuze
quick fuze
short-delay fuze
superquick fuze