установка підривника для фугасної дії
high-angle mounting
shell fuze combination / projectile-fuze combination
RDX (Research Department eXplosive/Royal Demolition eXplosive), hexogen
explosive (explosive agent)
booster and lead explosive / booster explosive
delay-action fuze
double-action fuze
instantaneous action fuze
retarded action fuze
impact action fuze
check action fuze
blasting explosive (normal-, high-, low strength)
HEAT (high explosive anti-tank)
high explosive (HE)
high explosive (HE) filler
high explosive antipersonnel
high explosive antitank and antipersonnel head
high explosive antitank head
high explosive antitank projectile (HEAT proj)
high explosive antitank rocket (HEAT rkt)
high explosive antitank rocket launcher
high explosive bomb
high explosive charge
High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP) Grenade (known as M40)
high explosive fragmentation shell
high explosive head
high explosive penetrating
high-explosive antitank (HEAT)
high-explosive bomb / projectile
high-explosive fragmentation projectile / shell (HEF)
primary high explosive
secondary high explosive