Скинути цей профіль
Profile OSD profile name
Profile PID profile name
Profile rate profile name
reset action
reset alarm
Reset device options to the recommended defaults on this device target. Except for your custom binding phrase
Reset OSD to default
Reset overtime maximum
Reset refresh rate
Reset Settings
Reset Z axis, offset X deg
DoD IT Standards and Profile Registry (DISR)
interoperability profile
Unmanned Systems Interoperability Profile (USIP)
target scattering crossover / target scattering cross-section / electronic target profile
acoustic profile
course profile
full profile jacket bullet
cambered profile
aerodynamic centre of a profile
aerofoil profile
blade profile
external chord of a concavе-convex or flat-convex profile
focus of a profile
internal chord of а bi-convex profile
profile drag
profile drag determination by the momentum method
error function velocity profile
inverted velocity profile
velocity profile (VP)