внутрішня хорда двовипуклого профілю
external chord of a concavе-convex or flat-convex profile
convex-concave trajectory
bi-convex aerofoil section
flat-convex circular arc aerofoil section
concave-convex aerofoil section
flat-convex aerofoil section
chord of the trajectory
space-chord ratio (of turbomachine cascade)
reference chord
reference chord of an aerofoil
standard mean chord
chord line
chord ratio
chord-wise aerodynamic force
first mean chord
flap reference chord
mean aerodynamic chord
mean geometric chord
pressure distribution curve along the chord of an aerofoil section
propeller blade chord
second mean chord
mean aerodynamic chord (MAC)
extended-chord elevon
DoD IT Standards and Profile Registry (DISR)
interoperability profile
Unmanned Systems Interoperability Profile (USIP)
target scattering crossover / target scattering cross-section / electronic target profile
acoustic profile
course profile
full profile jacket bullet
cambered profile