картка обліку доз опромінення (отриманих особовим складом частини)
radiation dose status
acute radiation dose
immediate nuclear radiation dose
mean lethal radiation dose
radiation absorbed dose (rad)
radiation dose
radiation dose report
radiation dose rate
radiation dose count
fire support status chart
radiation exposure status (RES)
fire capabilities chart / fire capability chart
enroute chart / en-route chart
dose response
minimal effective dose
total dose
accumulated dose
acute dose
whole-body dose
casualty producing dose
command dosage (dose rate)
radiological dosage (dose)
inventory status
logistical status
mental health status (PTSD)
Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the future status process for Kosovo (UNOSEK)
one-time report (on status of equipment etc.)
status of alert (state of readiness)
Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)
status panel