ремонт, здійснюваний квартирмейстерською службою
contingency maintenance / special maintenance
depot maintenance (beyond O and I level activities, performed in an industrial-type facility) / D-level maintenance
maintenance checks / routine maintenance, scheduled tasks
maintenance idling (periodic running of engine for maintenance purposes)
organizational maintenance (O-level) (day-to-day work that standard airfield maintenance groups perform in support of airfield operations)
routine maintenance / scheduled tasks, maintenance checks
scheduled tasks / routine maintenance, maintenance checks
special maintenance / contingency maintenance
quartermaster (QM)
Quartermaster Corps (QMC)
quartermaster tonnage
quartermaster truck company
quartermaster (branch)depot
quartermaster annex
quartermaster battalion
quartermaster company
quartermaster corporal
Quartermaster Corps
quartermaster depot company
quartermaster establishment
quartermaster forces
quartermaster gait
Quartermaster General
quartermaster general staff
quartermaster general to the forces
quartermaster group
quartermaster installation
quartermaster inventory control center
quartermaster issue
quartermaster item
quartermaster market center