додаток (до бойового наказу) з квартирмейстерського забезпечення
ANNEX Intelligence
Civil Affairs Annex
Conventional Warfare Annex
finance annex
fire support plan annex to operation order
intelligence annex
intelligence annex to operation order
logistical annex / appendix
logistics annex
operation overlay annex
overlay annex
psychological warfare annex
traffic circulation annex
material annex
Materiel Annex / Weapons Dictionary
fire-support plan annex
CBR annex (to operation order)
chemical annex
quartermaster (QM)
Quartermaster Corps (QMC)
quartermaster tonnage
quartermaster truck company
quartermaster (branch)depot
quartermaster battalion
quartermaster company
quartermaster corporal
Quartermaster Corps
quartermaster depot company
quartermaster establishment
quartermaster forces