зчетверена кулеметна установка
quadruple mount
bracket mount machine-gun
machine-gun sleigh mount
quadruple launcher
quadruple tubes
helmet shroud / helmet bracket / helmet front mount / mount assembly
NV (night vision) mount, NVG (Night Vision Goggles) mount
submachine gun / sub-machine gun (SMG; smg)
machine-to-machine data communication
gun mount
self-propelled artillery gun (mount)
bow gun mount
bracket mount gun
single gun mount
antiaircraft machine gun
general purpose machine gun (GPMG)
heavy machine gun (HMG)
large caliber machine gun
light machine gun (LMG)
machine gun (MG; mg)
medium machine gun (MMG)
medium-caliber machine gun
MG3 machine gun
.50 BMG (.50 Browning Machine Gun, 50 Browning)
LMG pouch (Light Machine Gun)
backplate of a light machine gun
heavy-machine-gun backplate
machine-gun team
bipod-supported machine gun
chatter of machine-gun fire
Grenade Machine Gun (GMG)
elevating dial of a machine gun