prosumer (professional and consumer)
просьюмер (досл. англ. професіонал і споживач, напр. дрони, що використовуються для аматорських та професійних операцій)
просьюмер (досл. англ. професіонал і споживач, напр. дрони, що використовуються для аматорських та професійних операцій)
Ad Hoc Working Group on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Mine Action (NATO)
Estimation and Prediction of Orbits and Clocks to High Accuracy (EPOCHA)
reduction and limitation of armed forces and armaments
safety and arming device / safety-and-arming device
sampling and identification of biological, chemical and radiological agents (SIBCRA)
Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies
integrated mine action and development (linking mine action and development)
kit and equipment / combat kit and equipment
all for one and one for all / one for all and all for one
modular integrated display and sight helmet (Modular Integrated Display-And-Sight Helmet)
attitude-and-heading reference system / attitude and heading reference system (AHRS)
CBR protective and decontaminating equipment and supplies
Territorial Centre of Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS / TCR & SS / TCR and SS)