виконавчий орган проекту
peace enforcement operations (PEO)
robotic systems joint project office (RS-JPO)
Assistant Secretary General for Executive Management
Defense Acquisition Executive (DAE)
Executive Committee (ExCom)
executive coordinator
executive officer (XO)
Service Acquisition Executive (SAE)
executive management responsibility (EMR)
Executive Steering Committee on Helicopter Maintenance
platoon executive
company executive officer
special operations executive
pilot project
project officer
Use of Military and Civil defenseAssets (MCDA) in Disaster Assistance (UNOCHA project)
project forces
project review authority (PRA)
special weapons project technical publications
en-route project board
airports project board
project a weapon
project armor
camouflage project
project power
project power on a global basis
project power onto the land
mappping project
pull the plug on a project
project flight information
administrative district office