кидати танки в бій
pilot project
project executive office (PEO)
project officer
robotic systems joint project office (RS-JPO)
Use of Military and Civil defenseAssets (MCDA) in Disaster Assistance (UNOCHA project)
project forces
project review authority (PRA)
special weapons project technical publications
en-route project board
airports project board
project a weapon
camouflage project
project power
project power on a global basis
project power onto the land
mappping project
pull the plug on a project
armor piercing projectile / armor-piercing projectile
armor kill / armor killing area
appliqué steel armor
armor approaches
armor materiel
armor operations
armor penetration
armor piercing (ap)
armor protection
armor technology
armor-piercing ammunition
armor-piercing incendiary api
armor-piercing warhead