Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO)
enemy prisoner of war (EPW)
net a prisoner (of war)
fall prisoner (of war)
during one's time as a prisoner of war
POW collecting point
bag of POW's was X
maximum security POW camp
maneuver prisoner
military prisoner
yield oneself prisoner
capture a prisoner who will talk
garrison prisoner
уield oneself prisoner
identification prisoner
area of war/war area
conduct a war / fight a war
tug-of-war (Tug of War / TW)
drone war (world’s first drone war)
Air Force War College
Air War College
all-out war
Army War College
Army war reserve (AWR)
Art of War, the
at war (with)
atomic war / warfare
ban a war
carry the war to the enemy
civil war
cold war
contact-free war