первинна бризантна вибухова речовина
high-explosive explosive
RDX (Research Department eXplosive/Royal Demolition eXplosive), hexogen
explosive (explosive agent)
booster and lead explosive / booster explosive
gunner's primary sight (GPS)
officer of primary responsibility
primary (fire) position
primary arm
primary armament
primary burn
primary control surface
primary sector of fire
primary military occupational specialty (MOS)
primary mission
primary reserve
primary target
primary target line (PTL)
primary trainer
primary weapon
primary position
primary, alternate, contingency, emergency (PACE)
primary level training (PLT)
primary venturi
primary control surfaces
primary defect
primary cause
primary great circle spherical coordinate system
primary rainbow
primary runway
primary VHF radio
primary failure
integration of primary and secondary radar data