високоточний прицільний пристрій вертолітного ПТРК
Select the timer precision, this controls to what precision the time is reported in
common heliborne jammer
heliborne assault
heliborne assault force
heliborne attack
heliborne emitter location / countermeasures
heliborne forces
heliborne forward air controller
heliborne illumination system
heliborne landing
heliborne unit
heliborne visit, board, search and seizure
heliborne laser fire and forget missile
aim at target
lay an aim
point of aim (POA)
take aim
disrupt the aim
aim at the forward edge of body
aim-off for wind
come on aim
disturbing of aim
visibility of aim
anti-invasion mine / antiinvasion mine (AIM)
aim corrector
aim off
be in the aim
disturb the aim
immediate aim