Trails, Lay, Aimpoint established, Boresight verified, Safe [verification of lay], Prefire checks performed, Ammunition Prepared
aim at target
point of aim (POA)
take aim
disrupt the aim
precision aim-technique heliborne antitank
aim at the forward edge of body
aim-off for wind
come on aim
disturbing of aim
visibility of aim
anti-invasion mine / antiinvasion mine (AIM)
aim corrector
aim off
be in the aim
disturb the aim
immediate aim
adjust the aim of a gun
aim gun at the target
center-of-mass aim
Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile (ASRAAM ['æsræm], US designation AIM-132)
aim a missile
lay a bridge
lay a cable
lay a gun
lay a mine / mine field
lay a smoke screen
lay an ambush
lay down arms