positioning and navigation (POSNAV)
визначення розташування (позиціонування) і навігація
визначення розташування (позиціонування) і навігація
embedded global-positioning and inertial-navigation system (EGI) / embedded GPS/INS
enhanced global positioning and inertial navigation system (EGI) / enhanced GPS/INS
position and navigation unit / position navigation unit (PNU)
analytical photogrammetric positioning system (APPS)
differential global-positioning system (DGPS)
positioning of personnel assets
precise positioning service (PPS)
global positioning system-guided munitions (GPS-guided)
electronic positioning equipment
communication and navigation aids (COMNAV)
piloting and navigation system
position, navigation, and timing (PNT)
sonar (sound navigation and ranging)
airborne targeting low altitude navigation thermal imaging and cueing (system)
celestial and satellite navigation systems
ad hoc working group on the categorization of airborne navigation and communication