пластмасовий ствол (зброї)
barrel assembly (barrel group)
automatic heavy barrel rifle / heavy barrel automatic rifle
gun barrel support
wear out (of a gun barrel)
finned barrel (of a machine gun)
fouling (of a gun barrel)
gun barrel
gun barrel holder
tapered liner of a gun barrel
molded plastic case
plastic baton projectile
plastic bullet
plastic explosive
plastic foam shelter
plastic relief map
plastic relief photomap
protruding plastic tab
soft plastic ricochet projectile
Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection
plastic (cartridge) case
plastic assault boat
plastic charge
plastic cocoon
plastic shell case
plastic-cased mine
ceramic-plastic composite armor
fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP)
armor-piercing high-explosive plastic (APHE-P)
armor-piercing plastic high explosive (APPHE)
high-explosive plastic (HEP)
high-explosive plastic tracer (HEP-T)
plastic high explosive