притулок з пінопласту
high expansion foam (Hi-x foam)
bomb proof shelter / bombproof shelter
molded plastic case
plastic baton projectile
plastic bullet
plastic explosive
plastic relief map
plastic relief photomap
protruding plastic tab
soft plastic ricochet projectile
Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection
plastic (cartridge) case
plastic assault boat
plastic charge
plastic cocoon
plastic gun barrel
plastic shell case
plastic-cased mine
ceramic-plastic composite armor
fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP)
aqueous foam
aqueous foam generator
aqueous riot control foam
foam dye marker
slippery foam
sticky foam
sticky foam dispenser
sticky thermoplastic foam
underwater sticky foam
hard foam inner lining, shock absorbing liner
foam-coating, decontaminating, and fire extinguishing composition/ mixture
foam reducing composition