оперативний бойовий порядок
battle-ground / battle ground / battleground
deploying in battle order
order of battle (ORBAT)
ground forces order of battle
ground order of battle
ground order of battle system
order of battle analyst
order of battle officer
order of battle specialist
order of battle work sheet
tactical order of battle
deploy in battle order
peacetime order of battle
operational order
air-land battle
AirLand Battle
AirSea Battle
battle area (BA)
battle area illumination
battle casualty
battle damage assessment (BDA)
battle damage assessment and repair (BDAR)
battle damage repair (BDR)
battle deployment
battle dress uniform / utilities (BDU)
battle effects simulators (BESS)
battle fatigue
battle group / battlegroup (BG)
battle intelligence (bat intel)
battle management