бойовий склад і дислокація наземних частин і з'єднань
battle-ground / battle ground / battleground
wing-in-ground-effect amphibious craft; ground-effect vehicle (GEV); wing-in-ground-effect (WIG); ground-effect craft; wingship; flarecraft; ekranoplan
ground order of battle
ground order of battle system
Army (ground forces / land forces)
deploying in battle order
operational order of battle
order of battle (ORBAT)
order of battle officer
order of battle specialist
order of battle work sheet
tactical order of battle
deploy in battle order
peacetime order of battle
order of battle analyst
battle exercise involving illegal intelligence forces
battle practice ground
ground battle measure
naval surface forces, surface fleet, surface forces
order aircraft off ground
ground forces
ground forces air defense troops
ground forces artillery
ground forces aviation
ground forces; Army
stationing of (ground) forces
residual ground forces in the area
M-day mobile ground forces
Ground Observer 12 (GO 12 Ground Surveillance Radar, нім. Bodenüberwachungsradar)
vantage ground / vantage-ground
ground-to-ground guided missile
ground-to-ground rocket