погіршення ТТХ ЯЗ при зберіганні
weapon stockpile degradation
nuclear weapon degradation
tactical nuclear weapon stockpile
weapon stockpile destruction
nuclear suitcase bomb; man-portable nuclear weapon
nuclear weapon; atomic weapon
agent degradation by-products
color degradation
combat degradation
degradation of hostile emitters
degradation of radar defense system
degradation of radars
deterrence degradation factor
environmental degradation
stable degradation product
yield degradation
biological degradation
Defense National Stockpile
OSCE Best Practice Guide on National Procedures for Stockpile Management and Security
stockpile management
stockpile planning guidance (SPG)
stockpile planning process (SPP)
stockpile security
stockpile to target sequence
strategic active stockpile
strategic inactive stockpile
total strategic stockpile
stockpile destruction
immunizing product emergency stockpile
non-stockpile chemical materiel (NSCM)
stockpile-to-target sequence