нормальна посадкова маса
normal take-off weight
combat-loaded weight / combat loaded weight
weight to correct weight
basic weight / dry weight
basic weight plus fuel / wet weight
dry weight / basic weight
wet weight / basic weight plus fuel
maximum take-off weight / maximum takeoff weight (MTOW)
heavy-weight torpedo / heavy weight torpedo (HWT)
operational landing weight (OLW)
blasting explosive (normal-, high-, low strength)
normal alert
normal fire trench
normal aerodynamic force
normal fare
normal pressure drag
normal propeller state
normal rate
normal shock wave
normal stress
normal take-off
Prandtl relation for normal shock waves
normal flight envelope
acceleration from the normal [tactical) idling speed
normal endurance
normal ground training area
situation normal
maintain normal fires
normal alert posture
through the normal chain of command
normal safety precautions (NSP)